New children are admitted in September but may enter at any time if there is an opening. Children progress to the next program once a year, in September. Placement at that time is based on chronological age and developmental readiness.
ACC accepts applications beginning in October for the following September. ACC recommends that parents visit the school before registering for admission. Applications are due January 3, 2025 but will be accepted later if space is available. A non-refundable $50 registration fee covers the cost of the application process.
Applications are considered without regard to race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, toilet training status, disability, or marital status. Current and alumni families are given admission priority.
Notification of acceptance is communicated to families by March 15. An advance of one month’s tuition, collected upon acceptance, is held until withdrawal. Tuition is paid in advance and is due every month.
When the number of applicants exceeds available spaces, ACC maintains a wait list. Families will be contacted from the wait list if space becomes available.
Click here for our tuition rates.
For questions or inquiries about admissions, please contact Marissa Leppo: [email protected]

Enrollment with New Families:
• Submit Enrollment Inquiry October-December
• Return Enrollment Form with $50 Registration
Fee by December 31
• Enrollment confirmed by mid-March
Re-Enrollment Process for Continuing Families:
• Return Enrollment Survey by January 11
• Enrollment confirmed by mid-February